Christmas Shopping for Her at TK Maxx

Don’t you just love the feeling when you’ve found a store that not only satisfies your needs for designer handbags but also your propensities for hoarding adorable yet necessary trinkets. I say necessary because this is what I tell my partner each time I come home with something new in tow. Yes – I definitely need this luxe make up brush set with glitter handles. Yes – I definitely do need this neon pink flamingo light in my life. Yes – I most certainly need these new shades to add to my collection of 80.

Actually if I’m being totally honest, I try to hide it from him (babe, if you’re snooping right now – don’t read on) and each of his inquisitions is usually met with the standard ‘oh I bought that ages ago!’. TK Maxx Australia, Gifts for Her Under $25


If you’re wanting to pick up the majority of your Christmas shopping this festive season in the one place then make sure you stop by the TK Maxx stores around Sydney (38 stores around Australia). The experience you’ll get is much like a treasure hunt from the moment you walk in because there’s something in each corner that’ll catch your attention. I noticed that most items only came in a handful of units and if you didn’t commit to it on the spot, you may miss out on your next visit because they don’t hold inventory to replenish – I’m so adding this one to the list of reasons of why I had to buy it on the spot.

TK Maxx Australia, Gifts for Her
I wondered how they were different to our other multi-category retailers and did a little research to find that they worked off an opportunistic model of purchasing inventory in order to transfer the discounts to customers. What this means is that every time a designer or brand overproduces or another retailer over-purchases then TK Maxx will relieve them of this extra inventory but will pay the lowest price possible for it. This is part of the reason why you’ll never find too many multiples of any item in one store and the expression you snooze, you lose really comes into play. Clever huh?


Like the true bag addict that I am, I was of course enthralled by the Gold Finds stand where I was subtly dropping hints to my man about a bag that I’ve had my on for ages and was available at TK Maxx for a steal. I’m about as subtle as a bull in a china shop so I’m hoping he picked up the hint – haha. I managed to pull myself away so that I could actually focus on finding little treasures in the store to put together a gift guide for you guys!

Here are my picks from my haul and this is only a fraction of what they had to offer but it was all that my trolley could handle. So if you’re stuck for ideas on what to get your partner, mum, grandma, auntie or second cousin then just check out what I’ve put together! Please note – you may not be able to find the exact items here but you’ll be able to find something either similar or even better!



TK Maxx Australia, Gifts For Her Under $25


TK Maxx Australia, Gifts for Her Under $50


TK Maxx Australia, Summer Themed Gifts for Her

If you want to find your nearest store then visit

This post has been created in collaboration with TK Maxx however I am a human being and all opinions expressed are my own.
