How to: Get Textured & Natural Beachy Hair

If you’re anything like me and by this I mean, time poor, ungifted and uncoordinated when it comes to the art of styling hair then you’ll always want to hear about any product that can cut your styling time in the morning drastically. I’m sure I’m not the only girl out there that always thinks and feels a million bucks when they waltz out of their hair salon but finds it impossible to create the same feeling from a DIY job at home. Am I right?

I’m generally guilty of jumping out of the shower and running straight out the door (clothed of course) with dripping wet hair. It’s even more so the case now as I’m finding even less time to spend time in front of my bathroom mirror styling my hair with the never-ending list of life admin tasks I have piling up to the stratosphere. As a result, sea texturizing sprays have been essential to my beauty rotation in the mornings because they’re an easy way to create effortless messy hair. Aveda Texture Tonic Styling Products

Aveda have recently launched their new Texture Tonic that has been a huge game changer for me. It provides all the definition and textures your natural boho locks could need but with less crunchiness and if you’ve used sea salt sprays before then you’ll know what I mean by this. The key ingredient in the Texture Tonicbeing Cane Sugar – providing the softening and hydrating element to the product.


How to Style Your Hair Using Aveda’s Texture Tonic:

  1. Use on Damp (Towel Dried) Hair

There are two ways you could use the spray here – if you’re struggling for time then just spritz the product into your hair and scrunch the ends to mid-lengths to create the natural curvature to your hair and voila! You’re ready to go. Your hair will naturally dry with a texturized beach look.

The second is to separate your hair into thin strands and spray each individually with Texture Tonic and then twist the hair from the roots. There is an option to use the Pure Abundance Style Prep spray before you start to protect your hair from any breakage whilst you comb through your hair.

Aveda Texture Tonic Styling Tips

Once you’ve completed this for all strands then grab a hair dryer with a diffuser head and place some of the twisted strands onto it and dry accordingly.

Flip your head over and dry the roots of your hair and you may also want to use the Aveda Volumizing Tonic if your hair falls flat like mine does at the roots.

Spray a little Air Control Hair Spray to keep it in place and you’re ready!

  1. Use on Dry Hair

This is great when you have a little extra time on your hands because you’ll need to blow dry your hair beforehand. Separate your hair into strands and spray each with Texture Tonic before rolling the strand up right to the root and pinning it.

Once you have done this on the entire head then leave this in for 5-10 minutes. Then spray a little Air Control Hair Spray for added hold before releasing each roller and styling your hair as you see fit.

If you’ve also had your hair blow-dried the day before then you can use the Texture Tonic to refresh your hair the next day.

Does this sound easy enough? Let me put it this way – if I can do it, then so can you! But just in case you want to see more then check out the styling video on my YouTube Channel here (or click on the video below) and don’t forget to subscribe!!



This post has been created in collaboration with Aveda.