Comfort in Under 4 Minutes with Koala Sofa

Koala SofaIf there’s one thing we all look forward to at the end of the day is finally getting our tired asses back home and vegging out on the sofa. For us, this requires us to scale five flights of stairs and navigating our way through two very excitable dogs before we get that sweet moment of relief that we’ve made it through the day. So a comfy sofa is a must in the house and it needs to be large enough to comfortably fit two.

So if you haven’t heard of Koala already – and I’m not talking about those cute and cuddly Australian bears – I’m talking about the company that has pioneered the mattress in a box phenomenon. Whilst a comfy mattress is also another essential, they have recently unveiled their new sofa and that’s right – it comes in five manageable boxes and each weighs less than 10 kilos. Now, what sets these sofas apart from others you can purchase on the market? Here’s what you need to know about Koala’s new sofa.

Koala’s New Plush Sofa

4 hour Delivery

There’s nothing more irritating then wanting to buy something, only to be told that there is a three-month waiting period. This is probably a given if you’ve ever been furniture shopping and Koala has thrown this norm out the window with their 4 hour delivery offer. There aren’t even many online clothing retailers that offer same day delivery and here these guys are guaranteeing you a sofa on the day you purchase.

If you live in certain areas in Australia (and you can check here for specific areas) then you’ll receive your package in just four short hours. Hell to the yes.


Koala Sofa - What You Need To Know


4-Minutes to Assemble

Holy moly, if I get another piece of furniture that comes with bags of bolts/screws and a manual as thick as the Bible – I’ll lose my f*cking marbles. When we moved into our new place late last year, I spent hours assembling cabinets and various other bits of furniture around the house.

When I was told that this sofa could literally be assembled in less than 4 minutes, I thought… challenge accepted. If you watch the video at the end of this post then you’ll see that these guys weren’t kidding. We assembled the sofa in four minutes and admittedly, we did faff about for a minute at the end rearranging the position of it.

Oh and before I forget, it doesn’t come with a Bible but a cardboard poster that neatly illustrates a koala assembling the pieces in a few images. Cute.

Koala Sofa

Koala Sofa


No Buyers Remorse

Have you ever bought something on a whim and regretted it as soon as you got home? Or regretted it weeks later after you’d already taken the tags off and used it? I think we’re all guilty of this and yet again, these guys have your back with their 120 night trial period and 5 year warranty. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever purchased anything that has given me three months to road test!

Practicality & Versatility

The sofa is one of the pieces of furniture in your household that needs to be both practical and versatile. The new Koala Sofa currently comes in two modern colours – storm grey and midnight blue. It’s pretty hard to go wrong with either of these colours as they suit pretty much any existing furniture you may already have.

On top of all this, the covers can be easily washed if you have a messy husband, kids, dogs or all of the above. So if your newborn decides to bring on a category 7 poo-nami on the sofa then you can rest assured that you’ll be able to save your sofa.

You can comfortably cat nap horizontally across the sofa solo or with your hot date without having one person awkwardly on the brink of face planting onto the floor.


Koala Sofa


So let’s look at the numbers…because I’m a numbers kind of girl.

What You Need to Know

  • 4 hour delivery for selected areas and 1-5 day delivery for all regional orders
  • 4 minutes (or less) to assemble
  • 120 night trial period
  • 5 year warranty period
  • 2 modern colours
  • Koala will adopt green turtle for each sofa purchased through the WWF


Check out the sofa here and use the code HELENC15 to receive 15% off all purchases over $1,000.